Monday, October 29, 2007

Why Vision is the best sense compared to the rest of our senses (Steven & Krisch)

First, a quick experiment: close your eyes and read what is on the board. After the experiment is conducted, we have proven that this is not possible. Without vision, we would not be able to coordinate ourselves. Although other senses could complement vision to help us coordinate ourselves, that sense alone could not guide us. With vision, we have the power to focus on direction. Without direction, there would be no such thing as exploration; everyone would be isolated to their own vicinity.

Vision is also our first warning of danger. For example, if there were someone to strike you, our vision would be the first and foremost sense to warn us, and thus we would move away.

Vision also makes it possible for us to interact with other people. For example, if someone was deaf, their vision and hand-eye coordination would enable them to use sign language to communicate

In conclusion, we have shown that vision is the most important sense in order to survive. It provides us with communication, coordination and acts as a warning for dangers and threatening situations.

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