Monday, October 29, 2007

Nick' Sense Perception (Touch)

The sense of touch is referring to physical contact with the outside world through the single largest organ in our bodies – our skin and our nervous system.

I think that our sense of touch is the most important sense of all. This is because out of all the senses it is the most difficult one to fool. There are many known ways to tick our brains through our other senses- sight, sound, taste and smell. For example, photo and video editing, sound effects in movies, artificial flavouring and even artificial smells like ‘stink bombs’, perfumes or pleasant smells that some supermarkets are known to release in certain areas to attract customers.

There are very few known illusions that trick our sense of touch, even the few that exist usually only make you experience odd things such as your arms feel as though they are reaching underground. However, illusions like this, though intriguing, do not have a big impact in the way we perceive objects.

Also, in order to use our sense of touch, the object has to be up close and available for thorough inspection, unlike the sense of sight or sound which can be easily experienced through photo graphs and videos which can be altered. Touch is intimate and is a guarantee of primary information with very little probability of it being altered or distorted by anything. That is why a lot of people say they rely on ‘first hand experiences’, referring to being somewhere in person and actually physically touching it with their hands.

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