Monday, October 29, 2007

Ruby's knowledge claim

This is a knowledge claim about the creation of the world, according to the Chapter of genesis in the Christian Bible. God was the one who created the whole world, in six days, from the universe, then earth etc... There are six different areas to consider to examine whether this claim is a reliable one.

1)Logical consistency - Although this video is from a book written by men, i believe this story is still very reliable. According to the bible, God first created the heavens and earth, then the landscapes, then plantations, then animals and finally humans. I think this is a very logical sequence of how the world could have been created. If there were no plantations, animals won't be able to live. If there were no heavens and earth, landscapes cannot be created. Therefore the whole order of how the world was created is very logical in my opinion.

2)Observational reliability - Firstly, the video is an anime, therefore there is no reality observations availiable. However, by lookin at the world we are living in today, everything mentioned in the bible created by God is extistent today - trees, sea, animals, humans etc... We can at least confirm the story was not crazily made up, there're observational proofs in the world to support the claim.

3)Awareness of value, judgments and propaganda - This claim's value is based upon christianity, perhaps in some ways it is propaganda as it is one of the most fundamental basis of the christian belief. Since religious events has no definite proof, it can be argued that this claim is therefore a ofrm of propaganda.

4) Authority/ citation/ peer review - this claim is from a strong powerful authority - the christian bible which is the best selling book ever. The christian faith is also a long religion and affects many in the world. It would be wrong to say this claim is simply a story made up randomly.

5)Awareness of source, intention and audience - The intention of this claim is to make people believe in the omnipotent power of God, and the audience is for people who are non-believers or also believers of God.

6) Awareness of knowledge selection, priotization and editing - In this particular anime, the full details of the genesis story wasn't shown. The more interesting parts were selected and priotized to perhaps make the anime and story sound more interesting and attract the audience.

In conclusion, although there are certain areas where this claim may not be reliable; it is still important to note that this claim is from a very powerful authority and religion, and that the story is not random but is logical and makes sense.

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