Monday, October 29, 2007

Nick & Joe (9/11 Conspiracy Theory)

This carries on from the presentation that we recieved at the start of the year.

To summarise, the video discusses the possibilies of a plane causing the collapese of the Twin Towers. It rasies the points that the buildings were specifficaly designed to withstand multiple crashes. Furthermore, it highlights inconsistant details in videos of the plane contacting the towers such as a sudden explosion Before the plane even touches the face of the building. It goes on to to eye witness accounts of hearing multiple and systematic explosions inside the first tower after the plane struck.

Many people will question the motive of such a conspircy. The following video gives a plausable explaintion, referencing a scene from the Popular NBC show "Heros":

It shows that the government may have "Let it happen on Purpose" for their own benefit. It suggest that in such a disasterous event, when people are afraid, hopeless and terrified, they will blidly place their trust in the government, allowing them to control the public without question or resistnace.

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