Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why taste is the most important sense - Harvir

Taste is the dominant sense because without taste, our mouth wouldn't be able to extract the flavor which originates from the food we eat. Therefore, we would just be eating the food, without appreciating all the wonderful ingredients which it posesses.

In addition, without taste, it's possible that we could die. This is because if organisims don't possess a taste sense, there is a significant chance that they could die of starvation, because someone or something would simply refuse to eat, because they don't enjoy doing it.

Moreover, it's scientifically proven that when someone is not eating, they suffer from severe stress and mental problems. This could lead to depression, and in worst case scenario, suicide.

Without taste, we wouldn't know whether we liked a particular food or not. This is important because if our body doesn't like something, yet we still eat it (which we would do if we didn't have a taste sense), our body would begin to undergo all sorts of dangerous chemical reactions. Furthermore, we wouldn't know when to stop eating (because we don't know how the food tastes like), so this could cause additional harm to our health.

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